We’re a center of the road, get shit done from the bottom up party.
We choose to abandon all of that culture war nonsense with the Maker Party. Liberal, conservative are just dirty words both sides us to label people so disregard what they’re saying and we have to move past that to move forward together as a people. For too long, the one percent have pitted us against each other using two teams they own so they win no matter what the outcome is. America doesn’t belong to them. America belongs to the people and the people deserve so much better than our broken two party system.
Our goal is a real party for the 99%. Electricians, plumbers, welders, IT people and developers, artists, musicians, all the people who want to build and create the better world, not burn it all down fighting the useless culture wars of the one percent that keep us down.
Liberal? Conservative? Independent?
Don’t let labels divide us. We want you. We need all voices on deck.
If you love America, want the 99% to win and achieve their true power over the overprivileged billionaire class while building a strong future for our children and grandchildren, well you’re already a Maker on your own, and now that we exist to give you a stronger voice, let’s work together.