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An Impossible Dream

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Here’s the thing. It’s only impossible until someone does it. America needs two functioning political parties and we don’t have that anymore. We’ve spent the last 8 years hoping for other people to right the conservative ship and only seen it continue to sink deeper into the cult of Trump. That is unacceptable and what drove myself and millions of others like me out of the Republican Party in the first place.

Now that the Democratic convention is over it seems now is a good a time to start. The writing is on the wall, but we want to be an even larger part of it the social change. America is ready for the future and that is a future with a bright new conservative movement that embraces all Americans and don’t use the culture wars against them. Understanding the awful truth about the state of the American soul has been a huge wakeup call for me and we can choose to help each other and make America a bright place for all Americans, not just the people we agree with, as the founders wanted.

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